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Plain Truth



"Plain Truth - February 1978," authored by Herbert W. Armstrong, provides an in-depth examination of the Worldwide Church of God's foundation, history, authority, and doctrine. The piece is a significant document for understanding the evolution and governance of the church since its inception.

Foundation and History

The document begins with a detailed account of the church's origins, tracing back to its foundational beliefs and the circumstances leading to its establishment. Armstrong emphasizes the spiritual journey and the pivotal moments that shaped the church's early years.

Authority and Governance

A crucial part of the discussion revolves around the source and nature of the church's governance. Armstrong elaborates on the biblical and theological underpinnings that guide the church's leadership structure, decision-making processes, and the role of faith in its administration.


The doctrine of the Worldwide Church of God, as laid out by Armstrong, is explored in relation to its scriptural interpretations, teachings, and how these have adapted over time. The document highlights key doctrinal positions and the rationale behind them.

Evolution and Current State

Armstrong addresses the evolution of the church, noting the transitions in leadership, shifts in theological emphasis, and the impact of these changes on the church's membership and global mission. The piece reflects on the challenges and achievements as the church moved into its second, almost third, generation.


Herbert W. Armstrong's "Plain Truth - February 1978" serves as a vital document for members and observers of the Worldwide Church of God alike. It offers insights into the church's complex history, its foundational beliefs, governance, and doctrinal evolutions, providing a comprehensive overview of its journey up to the late 1970s.