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Never Let Me Go


Never Let Me Go - Summary

"Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro is a poignant exploration of friendship, love, and the essence of what it means to be human, set against a dystopian backdrop. The novel unfolds through the eyes of Kathy H., a carer looking back on her time at Hailsham, an English boarding school for clones raised to become organ donors.


  • Humanity and Ethics: The story delves into ethical questions surrounding cloning and organ donation, pondering the moral implications of treating sentient beings as mere resources.

  • Memory and Nostalgia: Kathy's narrative is tinged with nostalgia, emphasizing how memories shape identity and the human experience.

  • Friendship and Love: The complex relationships between Kathy, Tommy, and Ruth highlight the deep bonds of friendship and the pain of unrequited love.

Plot Overview

  • Part 1: Introduces the idyllic yet eerie setting of Hailsham, where children are sheltered but unaware of their grim futures. The focus is on the childhood of Kathy, along with her friends Tommy and Ruth.

  • Part 2: Reveals the truth about Hailsham and the fate of its students as they move to the Cottages, transitioning into adulthood and grappling with their purpose.

  • Part 3: Kathy becomes a carer, reflecting on her past and reuniting with Ruth and Tommy, leading to a heart-wrenching conclusion as they confront their inevitable fate.


  • Kathy H.: The protagonist and narrator, whose reflections on her past evoke a sense of loss and longing.

  • Tommy: Kathy's close friend and later love interest, known for his temper and creativity.

  • Ruth: A complex character who navigates friendship and jealousy, ultimately showing growth and regret.


Ishiguro's novel is a masterful commentary on the human condition, challenging readers to consider the value of life and the ethics of scientific advancement. Through Kathy's journey, we are reminded of the importance of cherishing moments of connection and the bittersweet nature of existence.