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Un monstruo viene a verme


Summary of "Un Monstruo Viene a Verme / A Monster Calls" (Spanish Edition)


"Un Monstruo Viene a Verme," also known as "A Monster Calls" in English, is a deeply moving narrative that intertwines the real and the fantastical. It explores themes of grief, truth, and courage through the eyes of a young protagonist.

Key Themes

  1. Grief and Loss: Central to the story, examining how the protagonist copes with impending loss.
  2. Fantasy and Reality: The interplay between the protagonist's real life and fantastical elements.
  3. Courage and Acceptance: The journey towards accepting difficult truths and finding inner strength.

Plot Summary

  • Introduction: The story begins with the protagonist struggling with his mother's illness and the appearance of a monster.
  • Development: As the narrative progresses, the monster shares stories that blur the lines between reality and fantasy.
  • Climax: The protagonist's internal and external conflicts reach a peak, forcing him to confront painful truths.
  • Resolution: The story concludes with a poignant resolution, emphasizing acceptance and resilience.


  • Protagonist: A young boy grappling with his mother's illness and his internal fears.
  • The Monster: A fantastical being that becomes a pivotal figure in the protagonist's journey.
  • Mother: A key figure whose illness profoundly impacts the protagonist's life.


"Un Monstruo Viene a Verme" is a poignant tale that masterfully blends fantasy with the harsh realities of life, offering a profound commentary on the human experience of grief and the power of storytelling.