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Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld - Boxed Set Overview

The Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld, encompassing "Uglies," "Pretties," and "Specials," is a cornerstone of young adult dystopian literature. Set in a future society where mandatory cosmetic surgery at sixteen transforms every citizen into a conformingly beautiful "Pretty," the series follows Tally Youngblood. On the brink of her own transformation, Tally's journey begins with a critical decision: to accept the world as it is or to challenge the underlying values of her society.

Themes and Plot

  • Uglies: Introduces the world through Tally's eyes, where turning Pretty is a rite of passage. Tally's anticipation for her surgery is upended when she encounters a group of rebels challenging societal norms.
  • Pretties: Tally's transformation brings new insights and challenges, exploring the cost of conformity versus the value of individuality.
  • Specials: Elevates the conflict as Tally, now a member of an elite enforcement group, grapples with the morality of her actions and the oppressive structures of her world.


Westerfeld's series is lauded for its exploration of beauty standards, identity, and societal control, making it a thought-provoking read for young adults. Through Tally's evolution, readers are encouraged to question the price of aesthetic perfection and the true nature of happiness.


This boxed set not only makes the entire thought-provoking series available in eBook format but also emphasizes the accessibility and convenience of digital reading. Highlighting the importance of user-friendly eReader settings, like font selection, the series is presented as an engaging and accessible option for today's tech-savvy readers.

The Uglies series, through its compelling narrative and critical examination of societal norms, remains a significant work, challenging readers to consider the implications of conformity and the value of individual difference.