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The two new years days and other narratives and sketches



"The Truth About New Year’s Day" by Art Braidic and Terry Moore offers a comprehensive examination of the origins and cultural implications of New Year's Day celebrations. Published by the Eternal Church of God, the booklet is intended as a free educational resource, emphasizing its non-commercial distribution. The authors delve into historical, religious, and cultural analyses to challenge contemporary practices associated with New Year's Day.

Key Themes and Arguments

  • Historical Origins: The booklet traces the celebration of New Year’s Day back to ancient civilizations, including its roots in pagan traditions and Roman festivities. The authors argue that many customs associated with New Year’s Day have origins that conflict with Christian teachings.

  • Cultural Significance: The authors explore how New Year's Day has evolved over centuries, incorporating a variety of customs and beliefs. They discuss how these practices have been adapted and absorbed into modern society, often stripping away their original meanings.

  • Religious Perspectives: Braidic and Moore critically assess the adoption of New Year's celebrations within Christian contexts, suggesting that such practices are at odds with biblical teachings. They urge readers to reconsider the implications of observing a holiday with pagan origins.

  • Call to Action: The booklet concludes with a call to action for believers to re-evaluate their participation in New Year's celebrations. The authors encourage a return to celebrations that align more closely with Christian values and teachings.


"The Truth About New Year’s Day" serves as a thought-provoking critique of how ancient customs have permeated modern celebrations. By uncovering the pagan origins and questioning the compatibility of such practices with Christian faith, Braidic and Moore challenge readers to reflect on their own observances of New Year's Day. The booklet stands as a testament to the complexity of cultural traditions and their impact on religious practices.