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The Hound of the Baskervilles


The Hound of the Baskervilles: Summary

"The Hound of the Baskervilles" is one of the most famous detective stories ever written, featuring the celebrated Sherlock Holmes and his loyal friend Dr. John Watson. Authored by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the novel combines elements of mystery, suspense, and Gothic horror to create a compelling narrative that has captivated readers since its publication in 1902.


Set in the moors of Devonshire, England, the story revolves around the ancient and noble Baskerville family, which is supposedly cursed by a demonic hound. The tale begins with the mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville, leading to fears that the legendary curse has claimed another victim. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are summoned to protect the new heir, Sir Henry Baskerville, and to investigate the truth behind the eerie legend.

Key Characters

  • Sherlock Holmes: The famed detective, known for his keen observation and deductive reasoning.
  • Dr. John Watson: Holmes's friend and confidant, who often narrates their adventures.
  • Sir Henry Baskerville: The heir to the Baskerville estate, threatened by the supposed curse.
  • Sir Charles Baskerville: The former lord of the Baskerville estate, whose mysterious death sparks the investigation.

Plot Summary

The novel unfolds with Dr. James Mortimer seeking Holmes's help after the death of Sir Charles, fearing for Sir Henry's safety. Holmes sends Watson to accompany Sir Henry to the Baskerville estate, while he remains in London to pursue other leads. On the moors, Watson encounters a series of characters, including the Stapletons, who have a peculiar interest in the Baskerville affairs, and learns about sightings of a giant hound.

Holmes, working discreetly, uncovers the true culprit behind the supposed supernatural occurrences: Stapleton, a relative of the Baskervilles, who sought to inherit the estate through murder, using the legend of the hound to mask his crimes. In a dramatic confrontation, Holmes and Watson prevent Stapleton from killing Sir Henry and solve the mystery, though Stapleton himself evades justice and is presumed dead in the moor's Grimpen Mire.

Themes and Analysis

The novel explores themes of natural versus supernatural, rationality overcoming fear, and the classic battle between good and evil. Doyle's writing brilliantly weaves together the moor's atmospheric setting with the intellectual prowess of Holmes to demystify the legend of the hound, showcasing the triumph of logic over superstition.


"The Hound of the Baskervilles" stands as a testament to Doyle's masterful storytelling and his ability to blend various elements into a cohesive and thrilling narrative. It remains a seminal work in detective fiction, demonstrating the enduring appeal of Sherlock Holmes's character and the timeless intrigue of a well-crafted mystery.