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The Canterbury Tales


The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer


"The Canterbury Tales" is a classic of English literature, written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century. It's a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket.

Main Characters

  • The Knight: A noble and chivalrous figure, representing the ideal of medieval knighthood.
  • The Miller: A brawny, boisterous character known for his ribald humor.
  • The Prioress: A nun who tries to appear courtly and refined.
  • The Merchant: A shrewd and wealthy man.
  • The Clerk: A poor student of philosophy, quiet and thoughtful.
  • The Wife of Bath: A confident and experienced woman, known for her five marriages.
  • Other Pilgrims: Including a monk, a plowman, a reeve, and more.

Key Themes

  1. Social Satire: Chaucer uses the tales to critique the social hierarchy and hypocrisy of his time.
  2. Courtly Love and Romance: Many tales explore the ideals and complexities of love in the medieval era.
  3. Morality and Virtue: Several stories delve into moral lessons and the nature of virtue.
  4. Religious Critique: Chaucer subtly criticizes the corruption within the Church.
  5. Folklore and Mythology: Elements of traditional stories and legends are woven into the tales.

Notable Tales

  • The Knight's Tale: A story of chivalry and rivalry between