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Management in the Graphic Arts

    Management in the Graphic Arts

Peoples' Global Conference Against IMF and World Bank - Summary


  • Title: Peoples' Global Conference Against the International Monitary Fund and World Bank
  • Date: October 8-14, 2018
  • Location: Bali, Indonesia
  • Organizers: 40 Indonesian and international peoples’ movements and civil society organizations
  • Theme: "Reclaim our Rights and Future: Fight the Corporate Takeover of Development!"
  • Participants: About 450 delegates, supporters, and observers from 93 organizations across 18 countries​【oaicite:10】​.


  1. Expose international financial institutions as tools for imperialist domination.
  2. Develop strategies to resist the corporatization of development.
  3. Strengthen solidarity among activists and allies globally​【oaicite:9】​.

Key Messages

  • The IMF and World Bank have intensified attacks against oppressed people worldwide, promoting neoliberal policies detrimental to working people​【oaicite:8】​.
  • These institutions have been instrumental in facilitating neoliberal restructuring, leading to increased control over countries like Indonesia​【oaicite:7】​.
  • There's a strong need to challenge their deceitful brand of sustainable development, which in reality furthers corporate interests and exploitation​【oaicite:6】​.

Challenges Faced

  • The conference faced significant repression and attempts to derail it by the Indonesian government​【oaicite:5】​.
  • The police initially lifted but later reinstated a ban on the conference, citing permit issues​【oaicite:4】​.
  • Despite these challenges, the conference successfully convened, highlighting the importance of collective action and solidarity​【oaicite:3】​.


  • Title: “Shut down the IMF-World Bank Not the Peoples’ Dissent! Fight for Peoples’ Right to Development!”
  • Critique: The declaration condemned the IMF-WBG as undemocratic institutions responsible for economic and natural resource pillage worldwide​【oaicite:2】​.
  • It opposed the "Maximizing Finance for Development" approach, seen as a new wave of neoliberal privatization​【oaicite:1】​.

Future Directions

  • Continuation of exposing and opposing IMF-World Bank's destructive projects and policies.
  • Building a strong movement to challenge their legitimacy in all arenas of struggle.
  • Advocating for alternative development models based on people's rights, sovereignty, and collective economic power​【oaicite:0】​.


The conference marked a significant milestone in global civil society's resistance to the corporatization of development by the IMF and World Bank, emphasizing the need for continued activism and solidarity.