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Love of Life (Large Print)


The Call of the Wild

Set during the Klondike Gold Rush, The Call of the Wild narrates the story of Buck, a domestic dog stolen from his home and sold into the brutal life of an Alaskan sled dog. As Buck confronts the harsh realities of survival in the wilderness, he undergoes a transformation, reverting to his ancestral wild instincts. This novel explores themes of nature vs. nurture, survival of the fittest, and the inherent wildness within all creatures.

White Fang

White Fang serves as a mirror to The Call of the Wild, telling the story from the perspective of a wild wolfdog's journey to domestication. Born in the wild but gradually adapting to human society, White Fang navigates the violent world of animals and humans alike. London examines the clash between the wild and the civilized, questioning whether true domestication is ever fully possible for creatures born with the call of the wild in their veins.

The Sea-Wolf

The Sea-Wolf follows Humphrey Van Weyden, a literary critic who becomes a castaway and is rescued by Wolf Larsen, the domineering captain of the sealing schooner Ghost. Larsen, a materialist and a nihilist, challenges Van Weyden's moral beliefs and intellectual superiority. This novel delves into themes of authority, servitude, and the existential struggle for survival, both physical and philosophical.

40 Short Stories

Jack London's short stories encompass a broad range of settings and characters, from the frozen landscapes of the Yukon to the Pacific islands. These stories often highlight the harshness of nature, the determination of the human spirit, and the complexities of moral choices. London's storytelling prowess shines through in his ability to capture the essence of struggle, whether it be through the lens of animals or men.


Jack London's narratives are timeless, offering profound insights into human nature and the instinctual drive to survive and adapt. His works remain a testament to the power of storytelling and its ability to explore the depths of the human condition.