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Hush Hush is a riveting tale of mystery, romance, and the supernatural. The story unfolds through the eyes of its protagonist, who navigates a world where danger and intrigue lie beneath the surface of everyday life. Early in the book, a seemingly ordinary outing hints at the extraordinary events to come, as the protagonist and her friend Vee explore a theme park, only to encounter the mysterious Patch. Patch's appearance sets off a chain of events that plunge the protagonist into a world she never knew existed.

Key Themes

  • Mystery and Suspense: From the outset, the narrative is steeped in mystery, with cryptic encounters and unexplained phenomena that propel the protagonist to seek answers.
  • Romance: Amidst the danger, a complex romance unfolds, marked by attraction, tension, and the challenge of secrets yet to be revealed.
  • Supernatural: The supernatural element is central, introducing characters with otherworldly origins and powers, hinting at battles between unseen forces that shape the protagonist's destiny.

Plot Highlights

  • An early encounter at an arcade introduces Patch, a character who is more than he seems. His presence signals the beginning of the protagonist's journey into a hidden world.
  • A suspenseful scene with Detective Basso underscores the story's darker elements, suggesting that the protagonist's involvement with Patch has drawn her into a dangerous game.
  • The story climaxes with a revelation about Patch's true nature and the protagonist's role in a celestial conflict. The tensions between desire, duty, and destiny are laid bare, setting the stage for further developments in the series.


Hush Hush combines the thrill of a supernatural mystery with the depth of a complex romance. Its blend of suspense, emotion, and otherworldly intrigue makes it a captivating read from start to finish. The book leaves readers eager for the next installment, promising more revelations and challenges for its characters.


Special thanks to the team behind Hush Hush for creating a story that enthralls and entertains, with a nod to the significant contributions of James Porto (cover design) and Valerie Shea (copy editing), and a heartfelt thanks to the author's mom for her support.