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Qur’An-Bible Comparison


Exodus Part I: A Comparison of the Biblical and Quranic Versions


  • Purpose: First part of a series comparing the Biblical and Quranic narratives of the Exodus.
  • Significance: Acknowledges the importance of the Exodus story in Abrahamic religions.

Key Themes

  • Comparative Analysis: Detailed comparison of the Biblical and Quranic accounts of the Exodus.
  • Inconsistencies in the Bible: Highlights contradictions within the Biblical narrative.
  • Coherence of the Quran: Presents the Quranic version as more consistent and logical.

Major Events

  1. Oppression of Israelites: Different portrayals of Israelite oppression in Egypt.
  2. Life of Moses: Contrasting accounts of Moses' birth, upbringing, and his mission.
  3. Divine Plagues: Varying descriptions of the plagues and their impacts.
  4. Exodus from Egypt: Different narratives of the Israelites' escape from Egypt.
  5. Receiving the Commandments: The event's portrayal in both scriptures.


  • Argues for the problematic nature of the Biblical account and presents the Quran as a more coherent alternative.
  • Suggests a need for further exploration in subsequent parts of the series.


  • Detailed footnotes and references to religious texts and historical context.