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John Muir Trail Country

    John Muir Trail Country
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2015 John Muir Trail Survey Take/Leave Report Summary


The 2015 John Muir Trail (JMT) Survey Take/Leave Report provides insights into the behaviors and practices of hikers on the John Muir Trail, specifically regarding what items they decide to take with them and what they leave behind. Compiled by John Ladd and George Greeley, the survey aimed to gather data to improve trail experience and environmental conservation efforts.

Key Findings

  • Hiker Demographics: The survey detailed demographics of JMT hikers, including age, experience level, and geographical origin, offering a comprehensive picture of the trail's user base.
  • Take/Leave Practices: Analysis on what items hikers are most likely to take with them and what they choose to leave behind, revealing patterns in gear selection, food planning, and waste management.
  • Environmental Impact: The report underscores the environmental implications of hiker practices, stressing the importance of Leave No Trace principles in preserving trail conditions and natural beauty.
  • Recommendations for Hikers: Based on survey findings, the report offers recommendations on how to prepare for the JMT, emphasizing sustainable practices and essential gear.


  • Gear Selection: Encourages hikers to opt for lightweight, versatile gear to minimize environmental impact and enhance mobility.
  • Waste Management: Highlights the critical need for proper waste disposal and the role of hikers in maintaining trail cleanliness.
  • Trail Etiquette: Calls for adherence to trail etiquette, including respecting wildlife, other hikers, and trail regulations.


The 2015 John Muir Trail Survey Take/Leave Report is a vital resource for anyone planning to hike the JMT, offering valuable insights into sustainable hiking practices and the collective responsibility of hikers to preserve the trail's natural beauty for future generations.

For further details and to access the full report, visit bit.ly/2015JMTTakeLeave (Note: The link is case-sensitive and may be updated with revised reports).