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The Man in the High Castle


The Man in the High Castle (TV Series) Jumpdoc - Summary


The guide is set in the universe of "The Man in the High Castle," where the Nazi Reich and Japanese Empire have conquered the United States. The setting is in 1962, 15 years after their victory. The Continental United States is divided into three regions:

  • Greater Nazi Reich: Encompassing the Mid-West and Eastern U.S.
  • Japanese Empire: Covering the West Coast.
  • Neutral Zone: A buffer area in the Rocky Mountains.

Key Themes

  • Dystopian Society: The world is dominated by fascist powers imposing their culture and values.
  • Resistance: Characters and groups resist the oppressive regimes in various ways.
  • Alternate History: Explores the consequences of an Axis victory in World War II.

Character Origins

Players can choose from several origins, each offering a unique perspective:

  1. Traveler: A world traveler with no fixed identity.
  2. American Civilian: An American who witnessed the country's downfall.
  3. Resistance Member: Part of a cell opposing the fascist regimes.
  4. Fascist Bureaucrat: A bureaucrat in the government of either the Reich or the Empire.
  5. Intelligence Operative: A member of the secret police in either regime.


Several key locations are highlighted:

  • San Francisco: Center of Japanese power in North America.
  • New York: Nazi power hub in North America.
  • Canon City: A meeting point for resistance cells in the Neutral Zone.
  • Berlin: The capital of the Greater Nazi Reich.
  • Havana: A culturally distinct city under Nazi influence.

Perks and Items

The guide offers a range of perks and items specific to each origin, enhancing the player's abilities and resources in the game world.

Endgame Choices

At the end of the game, players choose to either stay in the setting, return to their original world, or continue their journey to another universe.

Note: This summary is based on a role-playing game guide and does not depict real events.