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Infinite Jest


Infinite Depth: Order and Disorder in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest by Patrick Thorne


  • Overview: Analys- Publication: David Foster Wallace, an acclaimed American writer, published "Infinite Jest" in 1996, solidifying his reputation as a gifted novelist. is of David Foster Wallace's novel "Infinite Jest," focusing on its intricate narrative and thematic elements.

Infinite Jest's Encyclopaedic Project

  • Novel's Structure: Described as encyclopaedic due to its comprehensive and intricate nature, blending various literary elements and themes.
  • Influence and Comparisons: Draws parallels with works of James Joyce, William Gaddis, Thomas Pynchon, and Don DeLillo, all known for their detailed and expansive storytelling.

Plot and Setting

  • Central Plot: Revolves around a mesmerizing film, "The Entertainment," and various characters connected to it.
  • Setting: Takes place in a fictional North America, in settings like the Ennet House Drug and Alcohol Recovery House and the Enfield Tennis Academy.
  • Themes: Explores addiction, entertainment, loneliness, and solipsism.


  • Narrative Styles: Wallace employs a range of storytelling modes, including first, second, and third person narratives in past, present, and future tenses.
  • Lexicon: Combines modern slang, scholarly lexicon, and invented language, showcasing Wallace's linguistic versatility.


  • Role of Endnotes: The novel contains 388 endnotes, providing additional information, digressions, and narrative elements.
  • Functionality: Endnotes range from basic additional information to lengthy narrative passages, enriching the novel's depth and complexity.

Fractal Fragmentation

  • Mathematical Influence: Wallace's use of fractals, especially the Sierpinski gasket, influences the novel's structure, embodying infinite complexity and thematic self-similarity.
  • Branching and Self-Similarity: The novel's structure and narrative replicate fractal properties, with branching storylines and self-similar themes.


  • Encyclopaedic Nature: "Infinite Jest" is characterized as an encyclopaedic novel due to its expansive and interconnected narrative and thematic structure.
  • Fractal Complexity: The novel's fractal nature represents modern reality's infinite and chaotic aspects, challenging the reader to engage deeply with its layered narrative.


  • Thorne, Patrick. "Infinite Depth: Order and Disorder in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest." August 2014.

Summary of "David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest: A Reader's Guide, 2nd Edition"


"David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest: A Reader's Guide, 2nd Edition" is a comprehensive analysis of David Foster Wallace's seminal work "Infinite Jest," recognized as a significant modern American novel. The guide is authored by Stephen J. Burn, who provides an in-depth study of the novel's complex structure and themes.

Key Insights

  1. Reputation of 'Infinite Jest': The novel has been acclaimed as one of the great modern American novels, reflecting the vast and intricate tapestry of contemporary life. It is also listed among Time Magazine's 100 Greatest Novels published between 1923 and 2006.

  2. David Foster Wallace's Legacy: Wallace is celebrated as an influential and innovative author. His suicide in 2008 marked the loss of a pivotal figure in contemporary literature.

  3. Characteristics of the Novel: "Infinite Jest" is known for its challenging structure, encompassing 1079 pages of intricate verbal invention, oblique narration, and a non-linear chronology.

  4. Stephen J. Burn's Contribution: In the second edition of this guide, Burn maps out Wallace's influence on contemporary American fiction, outlines his unique poetics, and provides a full-length study of "Infinite Jest." This includes a detailed exploration of the novel's prominent themes and ideas.

  5. Post-Infinite Jest Works: The guide also examines Wallace's literary output following "Infinite Jest," including his work on "The Pale King."


This reader's guide serves as an essential reference for anyone seeking to understand the complexities and the broader literary significance of "Infinite Jest" and David Foster Wallace's contribution to American literature​【oaicite:0】​.